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Better Independent Living

Adapted Cutlery

Our selection of adapted cutlery features knives, forks, and spoons designed for individuals with a weak grip or restricted mobility. This specialized cutlery is ideal for elderly individuals or anyone who finds using standard knives and forks challenging. At Better Independent Living, we offer a diverse collection of cutlery for people with disabilities, including options with broad, easy-to-handle grips. We provide popular brands like Good Grips Cutlery and Caring Cutlery, among other specially designed cutlery choices. Cutlery tailored for specific disabilities can greatly enhance the dining experience.


Why choose adapted cutlery?

Adapted cutlery offers several benefits that cater to various needs:

  • Improved Grip: Ergonomically designed handles provide a comfortable and secure grip, reducing the effort required to hold and use the utensils.
  • Enhanced Control: Weighted and contoured designs help stabilise hand movements, making it easier to bring food to the mouth.
  • Reduced Strain: Adapted cutlery minimises the strain on hands and wrists, particularly for individuals with arthritis or other joint issues.
  • Increased Independence: By enabling easier self-feeding, adapted cutlery promotes autonomy and boosts confidence during mealtimes.

Our range of adapted cutlery

We offer a diverse range of adapted cutlery to cater to various needs and preferences.

  1. 1. Ergonomic Utensils
    These utensils feature large, cushioned handles that are easy to grip and hold. Ideal for individuals with arthritis, weak grip, or limited dexterity.
  2. Weighted Cutlery 
    Designed to provide extra stability, weighted cutlery helps reduce hand tremors and unsteady movements, making eating a smoother and more controlled process.
  3. Angled Cutlery 
    With their unique design, angled forks and spoons require less wrist movement, making them perfect for individuals with limited wrist or arm mobility.
  4. Textured Handles 
    These utensils feature textured, non-slip handles that ensure a secure grip, even when hands are wet or greasy.
  5. Adjustable Utensils 
    Adjustable cutlery allows users to customise the angle and length of the utensils to suit their specific needs, providing maximum comfort and usability.

How to choose the right adapted cutlery

Selecting the appropriate adapted cutlery depends on the individual’s specific needs.

  • Assess the Level of Assistance Needed: Determine if the user requires more help with grip, stability, or movement.
  • Consider Hand Size and Strength: Choose handles that fit comfortably in the user’s hand and require minimal effort to hold.
  • Evaluate Mobility and Range of Motion: Angled and adjustable cutlery may be beneficial for those with limited arm or wrist movement.

Enhancing dining experiences

Our adapted cutlery is designed to make dining more enjoyable and less challenging. Whether you are purchasing for yourself or a loved one, Better Independent Living is committed to providing high-quality, practical solutions that promote independence and improve the quality of life.

Browse our collection today and discover the difference that the right-adapted cutlery can make in daily life. If you have any questions or need assistance, our friendly and knowledgeable team is here to help. Contact us to learn more about our products and how they can support your independent living goals.

What cutlery can people with arthritis use?

People with arthritis can benefit from using adapted cutlery that is specifically designed to reduce strain on their hands and wrists while providing a comfortable grip. At Better Independent Living, we offer several options that are ideal for individuals with arthritis:

  • Ergonomic Utensils: Our range of ergonomic utensils features large, cushioned handles that are easy to grip, making them perfect for individuals with arthritis who may experience pain or discomfort when holding traditional cutlery.
  • Weighted Cutlery: Weighted cutlery provides extra stability, which can help reduce hand tremors and shaky movements often associated with arthritis. The added weight helps to steady the hand, making eating a smoother and more controlled process.
  • Textured Handles: Cutlery with textured handles is designed to provide a secure grip, even when hands are wet or greasy. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with arthritis who may have difficulty holding onto smooth or slippery surfaces.

By choosing adapted cutlery from our selection, people with arthritis can enjoy mealtimes with less discomfort and greater independence.